How to unfreeze a house door lock?

How to unfreeze a house door lock

When the weather gets cold, you need to keep your house warm. You may not realize it but this can actually cause your locks to freeze when they are exposed to the elements. If you find that your door lock has frozen shut, follow these simple steps to get it working again. The article is presented by

Step to unfreeze a house door lock

How to unfreeze a house door lock
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To unfreeze a door lock, you will need a hairdryer and some lubricating oil such as WD-40 or graphite.

  • First, you need to turn on your hair dryer and aim it at the keyhole of your house door. This will help melt any ice that has built up around it and allow you to unlock your door more easily.
  • Then, using a cloth or towel (to avoid getting oil on anything else), apply some lubricating oil onto the keyhole area where there is no ice and move it around until all of the ice has been removed from this area as well. This may take several minutes, you can try unlocking your house door again as normal by inserting your key into its slot!

Heat up the lock using the hair dryer

If you have a hair dryer, you can use it to melt the ice from inside your house door lock. Be careful not to burn yourself with the hair dryer and use a cool setting on your hair dryer if possible.

Turn on the lowest heat setting and place it against the frozen lock for about 30 seconds (or until the ice starts melting). You may want to open the door slightly first so that you can see inside without pouring hot air on yourself. Discover the gatehouse locks.

Spray some lubricant

If you’re still stuck, try spraying some lubricant on the bolt and inside of your home’s door lock, then try turning it again using both hands. If this doesn’t work, try again with even more lubricant applied. But don’t go overboard or you’ll end up making things worse!

If all else fails: if your door locks are frozen shut (or just not working properly), it’s time to call a professional locksmith. They can help you determine whether or not there is something wrong with them and fix whatever issues they find before they get worse.

If this doesn’t work, try again with even more lubricant applied. Some people find that using WD-40 works better than graphite when their locks are frozen shut. Others find that it helps to use both!

If you’re still having trouble turning your key in the lock after using all three methods above, there may be a problem with your door frame or lock assembly itself (and you’ll probably want to call a locksmith).


There are a lot of things that can go wrong with your locks, and it can be hard to figure out what the problem is and how to fix it. In this article, we’ve covered some of the most common problems people experience with their locks (and how to fix them) as well as some other helpful tips for dealing with lock issues.